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Date: Thursday, May 30, 2024 at 4:30pm - 6:30pm


Anaheim Public Library

Masterpiece: Drawing Strength, Love, and Life

Villages of California will be hosting a juried art show alongside at the Anaheim Public Library 📚

This is an all schools, all grades art show that will have a panel of judges, finalist, and winners per grade category!

The intention behind this Art Show is not only to speak to the benefits of art, but to acknowledge the power of art as a way to experience our emotions and feelings 🎨

In this case, we are asking our students to consider:

  • How do they interpret it or how can they portray it?
  • By encouraging them to draw this interpretation and their answer, we are exposing students and families to the art world, encouraging self-expression, connecting community members, and creating a space forthem to come together 🫶🏼☮️🎨

The event will be on May 30th from 4:30-6:30pm 💜

If you have any questions, please feel free to message Villages of CA

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