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Directing Change Instagram Live

Passionate about mental health and want to showcase it creatively? Come join us on Instagram Live (@connect_oc) in collaboration with Laguna Playhouse and NAMI-OC as we talk about Directing Change, a program that engages young adults to learn about mental health, suicide prevention and other critical health and social justice topics through film and art. 

We will also be highlighting the awesome workshops provided from Laguna Plahouse that will equip you to create awesome content to submit to a contest from Directing Change!  We will have the workshop instructor as a special guest as well as one of the individuals who went through the workshops and submitted a piece!


Learn how you can get involved and how to develop short films as a way to share your story!

You won’t want to miss this awesome opportunity!!!

Partners4Wellness is the lead agency for Connect-OC. Since 1957, the agency has been a leader in preventing substance use and mental illness in young people. Providing educational programs and resources. Building collaborative partnerships. And creating healthier communities.

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